Issue 15 Submission Window is open from 1st February to 28th February 2025
Submission Guidelines for Poems
Please submit up to 3 brilliant, unpublished, original poems on the theme of 'soil', and we welcome poems up to 40 lines on that theme
See our FAQ page for popular questions about submissions for this issue.
All your poems must be in one word document with a new page for each poem.
The title of each poem you submit (titles are called a piece in the submission platform) MUST be entered in the appropriate boxes in Duosuma.
When our submission window is open you can access our free Duosuma Submissions Manager
using the SUBMIT button at the bottom of this page, but please read the guidelines first!
If you aren't sure about how to submit using Duosuma then watch our step by step video which is at the bottom of this page
By submitting your work you give permission for The Alchemy Spoon to publish that work and confirm that it has not been published previously in books, magazines, webpages or on social media.
- Name your document: issue 15-intials-lastname
- Poems should be in 12 point Times New Roman with a maximum 40 lines not including the title
- Our pages have a page width of 16cm and print width of 11.5cm (4.5 inches) between margins so poems with very long lines can be difficult to format.
- Follow the instructions on the Duosuma Submission Manager website to submit
- Your poems, must be in one word-compatible document
- Please enter a 50 word bio in the third person in the Duosuma Form
- Start a new page for each poem
- We are only able to accept submissions from those over 18
- Simultaneous submissions are permitted but please tell us straightaway if a poem is accepted for publication elsewhere
- We aim for a speedy turn-round and will respond to every submission but we don’t offer individual feedback
- No changes can be made after submission
- Authors retain all rights. However, if a poem is subsequently published elsewhere, please acknowledge that it first appeared in The Alchemy Spoon
- If you have a poem published in Issue 14 we ask that you wait for Issue 16 before submitting again
Submission Guidelines for Essays
- If you have an essay on some cutting-edge poetry-related topic, please email us to discuss it
Submission Guidelines for Artwork
- We are looking for original artwork to feature on future magazine covers. Portrait-orientated images work best (or images suitable for cropping). Lower resolution images should be sent at the submission stage but higher res files will be needed (2480 pixels x 3508 pixels) at print stage
- Email up to 3 images (png or jpg) inserted into one word-compatible document together with a cover letter listing the artworks with your name, address, email, and a bio of about 50 words in the third person.
- We look forward to seeing your work and will choose artwork corresponding to the theme of the issue, or if it is eye-catchingly good
Submission Guidelines for Reviews
- If you would like to recommend a poetry collection or submit a review of a collection then please email us or use the contact form